Hello Australia Gold Coast Work Guide
Our main goal is to help our students to find jobs while studying in Australia. The job vacancies were taken from public classifieds and job websites. Pay attention in all details of the opportunities and make sure you apply for those jobs you are interest in. Please, be advised that some of the open classifieds already been reported due some scam cases, fake opportunities or abuse cases so always double check the jobs you are applying for. Hello Australia has NO responsibility for any hiring or anything related to the vacancies. Make sure you have all the documents and requirements for each job opportunity and meet all the criteria before apply. GOOD LUCK
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General Tips:
Source: https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live-in-australia/working/work-while-you-study
Working while you study in Australia can help complement your study and living experience. There are a number of reasons you might want to undertake part time work while studying in Australia, including assisting with living expenses and gaining work experience in your study area.
Most student visas allow you to work for up to 40 hours every two weeks while your course is in session, and unrestricted hours during any scheduled course break, but before you undertake any paid work you need to make sure your visa allows you to work. Find out more at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.
Student Visa Holders Work Conditions: https://archive.homeaffairs.gov.au/trav/stud/more/work-conditions-for-student-visa-holders
Tax File Number
Your tax file number (TFN) is your personal reference number in the tax and super systems.
Your TFN is an important part of your tax and super records as well as your identity, so keep it secure.Your TFN is yours for life. You keep the same TFN even if you change your name, change jobs, move interstate or go overseas.You don’t have to have a TFN, but without one you pay more tax. You also won’t be able to apply for government benefits, lodge your tax return electronically or get an Australian business number (ABN).
If you need to apply for your TFN please email us: receptiongold@helloaustralia.com.br
Tax File Number Declaration:
Students who work in the TFN and are staying in Australia for less than 183 will be overcharged and probably will not have any money to reimburse in the Tax Return.
Only if the student resided or intends to reside in Australia for more than 183 days, he / she is considered RESIDENT FOR TAX PURPOSE. So when students fill out the TFN employment forms and they fall into the resident test they have to state that they are residents and fall under the rule of income for taxation, where those who receive up to 18,000 annually are exempt.
But if they stay less than 183 days, they will have to say that they ARE NOT RESIDENTS FOR TAX PURPOSE, in which case it will be taxed around 32.5%.
Australian Business NUmber:
The Australian business number (ABN) is a unique 11-digit identifier that makes it easier for businesses and all levels of government to interact.
Tax returns cover the financial year from 1 July to 30 June. If you’re lodging your own tax return it is due by 31 October;
Super is money set aside over your lifetime to provide for your retirement.
Superannuation in Australia is the arrangements put in place by the Government of Australia to assist people in Australia to accumulate money for an income in retirement. … It is compulsory for employers to make superannuation contributions for their employees on top of the employees’ wages and salaries.
TOP Performing Super Funds: https://www.ratecity.com.au/superannuation/top-10-performing?
If you are leaving Australia: Don’t leave your money behind
Paid work
Australia has a wide range of industries and many have part time employment opportunities, including:
Retail – supermarkets, department and clothing stores.
Hospitality – cafes, bars and restaurants.
Tourism – hotels, motels and backpackers.
Agricultural – farming and fruit-picking.
Sales and telemarketing.
Administration or Clerical roles.
If you have existing qualifications and/or professional work experience, you may be able to secure casual or part time work in your field.
Paid or unpaid internships can be a great way to get exposure to the professional, financial and creative industries. Learn more about: https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/australian-education/internships
There are many charities and non-government organisations (NGOs) in Australia and they always need volunteers to help out. It can be a great way to meet friends, get some hands on work experience and give back to the community. To find out more about volunteering
Your rights
Everyone working in Australia, including international students or those on working holiday visas, have basic rights at work. These rights protect entitlement to:
A minimum wage.
Challenge of unfair dismissal from the job
Leave, breaks and rest periods.
A healthy and safe work environment.
Most employers in Australia are covered by an ‘award’, which sets minimum wages and conditions for a type of job or industry. To find out more about your work rights visit the Australian Government’s Fair Work Ombudsman’s website or call them on 13 13 94. https://www.fairwork.gov.au/
In Australia, employers (your boss) must also do all they can to make sure your job does not hurt you or make you sick. This law is called work health and safety (WHS) or occupational health and safety (OHS).
The law also says your boss must have insurance for you in case you are hurt at work. This is called workers’ compensation. If you are hurt or get sick at work, the insurance may pay for your medical treatment and for your wages until you can work again.
This covers all workers in Australia, even if you are on a temporary visa. Visit Safe Work Australia for more information or to download the latest checklist.
You will also need to get a tax file number to work in Australia. Visit the Australian Taxation Office website to find out more information on getting a tax file number, as well as information about paying taxes in Australia.
How to write a resume and cover letter
A resume is a written record of your education, skills and experience. It offers a summary of your work history.A CV (or curriculum vitae) is similar, but tends to be longer and more detailed.In Australia, both terms are often used, and we will refer simply to resumes on this page.A cover letter accompanies your application. It should be short and specific, highlighting your selling points in relation to the job you are applying for.
Your resume and cover letter is your first chance to convince an employer that you are the right person for the job.
Before you begin writing your resume, think about your work history and note your achievements and skills.The layout of your resume should be neat, simple and easy to read. Aim for 3–5 pages, depending on how long you have been in the workforce. Use headings and dot points.
Employers will be looking for:
contact details
career strengths
employment history
education and training levels
Read more about what to include in your resume. goo.gl/uTv2T8
If you need help with formatting, resume templates are included with some word processors (such as Microsoft Word) and are available online.
For more designs and ideas for you resume, please access free templates at : https://www.canva.com/
Job and career websites may also provide templates, examples and advice.
Cover letters
Your cover letter is an important component of your application and should:
introduce you to the employer
identify the position you are applying for
convey your enthusiasm for the position
highlight the stand-out qualities that make you a great candidate
inspire the reader to continue reading your application (cover letters are not a summary of your resume).
It only needs to be 1 page and should be addressed personally to the employer or contact for the job.
All cover letters should be tailored to suit that particular job.Look at examples of cover letters. goo.gl/Eh6Bxr
Selection criteria
Some jobs will ask you to meet particular requirements or selection criteria. Selection criteria may also be known as core or key capabilities.Your responses should demonstrate, with relevant examples, that you have the required experience, skills and abilities to do the job. Be succinct and use dot points where appropriate.
Tips for job interviews
An interview is often the final step in securing the job you want.The best way to overcome any nerves leading up to a job interview is to be properly prepared.
Before the interview
Go to the interview knowing as much as possible about the company.
Do some research beforehand so you know what they do and what they stand for.
Visit their website or read their most recent company report, and any recent media releases.
Prepare scenarios that highlight your previous achievements and link them to the position’s attributes. However, don’t repeat yourself too much in the interview if you have already done this in your written application.
Identify 3 or 4 personal strengths which you think will set you apart from other candidates—anything from being calm in a crisis to being able to multi-task and meet multiple deadlines.
Review your resume and make copies for the interview.
Get a good night’s sleep so you are well-rested and focused.
Arrive on time—get there no more than 15 minutes before the interview but with enough time to gather your thoughts and relax.
Dress appropriately
For most positions, formal office attire (like a suit and tie for men, and pants or a skirt suit for women) is usually the safest option. However, it may be more appropriate to wear a smart casual outfit for a labouring position.
Make sure your clothes are clean, neat and ironed without loose threads or missing buttons.
Avoid distractions like loud ties (such as those featuring cartoon characters), strong fragrances and too much jewellery.
Try on your outfit before the interview to ensure it sits well and is comfortable.
During the interview
Believe you are the right person for the job—be confident but not over-confident.
Listen carefully to questions and answer them honestly and competently. If you don’t understand the question make sure you ask for it to be repeated or clarified so you can answer correctly.
Avoid ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses. Go into detail but don’t provide lengthy, meaningless responses. Manage your time—responses should be around 2 minutes each.
Incorporate your personal strengths into the interview.
Ask 2 or 3 questions at the end of the interview and reiterate your strengths and your enthusiasm for the job.
Do not:
complain about previous employers or make negative comments
discuss politics, religion, race or marital status
talk about family problems
complain about how hard it is to find work or the number of interviews you have had.
After the interview
Send a brief letter/email to the employer (or call them) to thank them for the opportunity to apply for the position.
Ask for feedback on how you can improve for your next interview.
Be good natured and genuine when seeking feedback and not resentful if you missed out.
Use any feedback to improve your application and interview performance.
Finding Work
There are plenty of ways to find work that suits you, including:
Newspapers and online job sites.
Some institutions provide job notice-boards on campus and online. Contact your institution’s international student support staff to find out what options your institution offers.
Register your details at a recruitment firm; many of them help place people in casual or short-term work.
Neighborhoods / Events / Shoppings/ Library on the Gold Coast
Careers /Programs / Services
LIst of Hotels, Restaurants and Bars Gold Coast:
Accommodation https://www.destinationgoldcoast.com/where-to-stay
Restaurants: https://www.destinationgoldcoast.com/restaurants
Bars: https://www.destinationgoldcoast.com/restaurants/bars
Delivery and APPS:
UBER EATS : https://www.uber.com/a/signup/drive/deliver/?70307t=
Deliveroo : https://deliveroo.com.au/apply
Foodora: https://riders.foodora.com.au/
Air Tasker: https://www.airtasker.com/jobs.
Menu Log”: https://couriers.menulog.com.au/application
Jimi Brings:https://jimmybrings.com.au/contact/
Job Agencies/ Recruitment / Events / Hospitality:
The Star Careers : https://www.thestarcareers.com/career-opportunities
Sidekicker: https://sidekicker.com/au/
Obrien Group: https://www.obriengroupaustralia.com.au/careers/
Omni: www.omnirecruit.com.au/
Zenith: https://zenithhospitality.com/
National Work Force https://www.nationalworkforce.com.au/hospitality-jobs
Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre : https://www.gccec.com.au/
RNA Showgrounds: www.brisbaneshowgrounds.com.au (Facebook: Brisbane Showgrounds Casual Jobs)
Pinnacle Hospitality: www.pinnaclepeople.com.au
Bluestone Personnel; www.bluestonepersonnel.com.au
Frasers Hospitality: www.frasershospitality.com/corp_careers.php
Compass Group: www.compass-group.com.au
VIP Personnel Hospitality Recruitment: www.vipstaff.com.au)
Fresh Events: www.freshevents.com.au/
National Workforce: www.nationalworkforce.com.au/
Sidekicker: www.sidekicker.com.au
Hospitality Now: www.hospitalitynow.com.au
Coffee Jobs: www.coffejobs.com
Websites: ( Most Efficient : Seek , My Career, Indeed, All Jobs, Gumtree)
Constructions and Labour:
Childcare and Nursing:
Work Holidays Visa:
To apply for a second Working Holiday visa, you must have already completed three months of specified work in regional Australia. This specified work must have been completed while on your first Working Holiday visa.
Specified work is work that is undertaken in a ‘specified’ field or industry in a designated regional area. See the section on Regional Areas below to check the postcode list of designated regional areas.
All specified work performed on or after 1 December 2015 must be remunerated in accordance with the relevant Australian legislation and awards. Voluntary work performed after 1 December 2015 will not be accepted for the purpose of applying for a second Working Holiday visa. See Second Working Holiday visa applications – evidence of payment for specified work for more information.
Approved industries for specified work include:
•plant and animal cultivation
•fishing and pearling
•tree farming and felling
Specified work is any type of work described in the list below:
•plant and animal cultivation
othe harvesting and/or packing of fruit and vegetable crops
opruning and trimming vines and trees
Note: This must be the applicants primary employment task and directly associated with the cultivation and commercial sale of plant produce, such as fruit and nut crops (commercial horticultural activities). General garden maintenance is not eligible.
ogeneral maintenance crop work
ocultivating or propagating plants, fungi or their products or parts
oimmediate processing of plant products
omaintaining animals for the purpose of selling them or their bodily produce, including natural increase.
Note: Maintaining animals for tourism or recreational purposes is not eligible.
oimmediate processing of animal products including shearing, butchery, packing and tanning.
Note: Secondary processing of animal products, such as small goods processing and retail butchery is not eligible.
omanufacturing dairy produce from raw material.
•fishing and pearling
oconducting operations relating directly to taking or catching fish and other aquatic species
oconducting operations relating directly to taking or culturing pearls or pearl shell.
•tree farming and felling
oplanting or tending trees in a plantation or forest that are intended to be felled
ofelling trees in a plantation or forest
otransporting trees or parts of trees that were felled in a plantation or forest to the place where they are first to be milled or processed or from which they are to be transported to the place where they are to be milled or processed.
ocoal mining
ooil and gas extraction
ometal ore mining
oconstruction material mining
onon-metallic mineral mining and quarrying exploration
omining support services.
•residential building construction
•non-residential building construction
•heavy and civil engineering construction
•land development and site preparation services
•building structure services
•building installation services
•building completion services
•other construction services.
Work undertaken in the areas of plant and animal cultivation, fishing and pearling, and tree farming and felling must be described in the list above to meet the specified work requirement.
The Australian New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) provides further detail about eligible work in mining and construction. Work undertaken in the mining and construction sectors must appear in the ANZSIC division for these sectors to meet the specified work requirement
Supporting work, such as book-keeping, in any industry described in the list above does not meet the definition of specified work.
Specified work:
•must be an activity listed above
•must be the primary role, function or activity performed during the applicants employment.
Examples of eligible specified work:
•picking fruits on an orchard
•feeding and herding cattle on a farm
•horse breeding and stud farming
•landscaping the grounds of a construction/house site
•painting the interior/exterior of new buildings
•conservation and environmental reforestation work
•zoo work involving plant or animal cultivation
•erecting fences on a construction site
Examples of ineligible specified work:
•ship/boat building
•performing specialised social science services (such as anthropological and archaeological assessments) for mining companies
•town planning or architecture
•working as a nanny on a farm
•working at a cellar door providing wine tastings
•manufacturing materials used on a construction site (such as concrete or steel)
•cooking/catering on a mine site
•cleaning the interior of mine complexes or buildings.
Specified work in disaster affected areas
Construction work can be vital in helping regional disaster zones, such as those affected by flood or bushfire, to rebuild and recover from disaster.
Working Holiday visa holders who conduct construction work in eligible regional areas of Australia following disasters can count the work as specified work.
Examples of construction work that qualify as specified work include:
•demolition of buildings, trench digging, land clearing and earth moving
•residential and non-residential construction or renovation/repair, including of roads, footpaths, bridges, parking lots, fencing, railways, dams, irrigation systems, sewage and storm water drainage systems.
A full list of eligible construction activities is available from the Australia Bureau of Statistics website.
How to find specified work
Applicants can find specified work vacancies in the same way as they would find other job vacancies, such as through employment pages in newspapers, the Internet and job placement service providers. Vacancies specifically for plant and animal cultivation can be found on theHarvest Trail website https://jobsearch.gov.au/.
Note: Not all vacancies advertised on the Harvest Trail website will qualify an applicant for a second Working Holiday visa.
Applicants should ensure that the vacancy meets the definition of specified work listed above and that the work will take place in an eligible postcode of regional Australia. See the section on ‘Regional Areas’ below to check the postcode list of designated regional areas.
How to calculate specified work
‘Three months’ means three ‘calendar’ months or 88 days. Work can be either:
•in one block with one business
•in separate blocks with one business or a number of businesses. Blocks of work may be in different kinds of specified work.
One full day of work is defined as having worked the minimum number of hours considered to be a standard day by the particular industry in which the applicant is employed. Generally, the Australian working week is 35 to 40 hours, consisting of seven to eight hours of work each day. Individual employers can not set a smaller period of time than the industry standard to satisfy the specified work requirement.
In calculating the period of time for which the applicant has undertaken specified work, the type of employment relationship the applicant may have with their employer, including full/part time employment or casual employment, is not as important as whether the relevant industry considers the period of work completed to be equivalent to full time work for that industry. For example, if the applicant’s paid employment involved two weeks on and then two weeks off, and this is standard practice in the industry, the applicant would be considered to have worked for four weeks (28 days). If the employer is satisfied that the applicant has undertaken the equivalent of full time work for that industry for the specified period, the visa decision maker may be satisfied that the applicant has undertaken full time work for the specified period.
Applicants whose work is equivalent to full time employment may count weekends in the 88 day period. However, if the applicant’s work is not equivalent to full time employment, for example, part time or casual, they may only count the full days actually worked.
In circumstances where the applicant is employed by more than one employer at the same time, they may only count each calendar day of work completed once towards their 88 day specified work requirement.
The shortest period that may be counted towards the specified work requirement is one day of full time work (for that industry). Applicants cannot count a long day of work as more than one day of specified work. For example, if the industry’s standard day is six hours long, working a 12 hour day does not count as two days of specified work.
Full time workers can count sick days only during periods where they were in paid employment and entitled to sick leave or covered by a workers compensation scheme. In these situations, supporting evidence must be provided by the employer.
Applicants who were prevented from obtaining employment because of injury or seasonal circumstances cannot count any time they were unable to work towards the three month period. For example, cyclones interrupting harvest activities.
Some possible examples to help clarify the definition of three months of specified work are outlined below.
Examples that meet the three month requirement
•Working week
Working on a farm for three months for five days each week, where the industry standard is five days a week of full time work.
•Shift work
Employed as a miner for three months and under the employment contract are only required to work every second week, which is the standard full time contract for the industry.
•Blocks of work
Completing 60 days of harvest work, followed by a period of travel for two months. Then completing another 28 days in construction, bringing the total days worked to 88 days.
•Sick days
Employed for a three month period but take several days of sick leave during the period.
Examples that do not meet the three month requirement
•Working week
When five days of work a week is the industry standard on a farm, but the applicant only works four days a week for three months.
•Work done on another visa type
Completing three months of specified work during the summer break while on a Student visa.
•Seasonal circumstances
Picking bananas for 80 days on a casual basis, but the applicant cannot find more work as there is a cyclone and their first Working Holiday visa ceases.
Evidence of specified work
•If the Working Holiday visa holder applies for a second Working Holiday visa, they will need to provide evidence that they have satisfied the specified work eligibility requirement. Acceptable evidence of specified work (completed while on their first Working Holiday visa) includes original or certified copies of the following:
•pay slips (must be supplied for all specified work performed from 31 August 2015)
•a written and signed piecework agreement setting out the pay rate per piece and how it is measured
•group certificates
•payment summaries
•tax returns
•employer references
•a completed Form 1263 Working Holiday visa: Employment verification (75KB PDF)
•Australian bank statement covering the period of declared specified work
•a written and signed agreement setting out any lawful deductions in pay
Note: Providing a completed Form 1263 and additional forms of evidence will allow a Working Holiday visa application to be assessed more quickly. Please ensure that all information provided is correct. Contacting third parties to verify the claims of applicants for second Working Holiday visas will now be a standard component of second Working Holiday visa application assessments.
Providing a false or misleading declaration or fraudulent evidence for any visa application can result in the application being refused or cancelled. If the applicant’s visa is cancelled they may be prevented from lodging further applications and be excluded from Australia for a period of three years.
GOOD LUCK and don`t forget to get motivated and be positive:
Extra Motivation: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2013/01/30/30-motivational-quotes-for-job-seekers/#7a8efb851e7f
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Fazer um intercâmbio não é apenas uma aventura, mas uma estratégia poderosa para impulsionar sua trajetória profissional. Além de fortalecer o currículo, o intercâmbio desenvolve habilidades essenciais que destacam você no mercado de trabalho. Veja os quatro principais impactos: 1. Habilidades Valorizadas Globalmente Um intercâmbio ajuda a desenvolver competências como flexibilidade, resiliência e comunicação intercultural. … Continue reading O impacto do intercâmbio na sua carreira